26 Aug 2024
Dear families,
Transition to school program
This week our transition to school program commences for our children starting Kindergarten at Wollongong West Public School in 2024. This Thursday 3:15pm-4:15pm we will be holding our Welcome Picnic. All family members are invited to come for a picnic at school to meet school staff, families and new friends. Families are asked to bring along a picnic blanket and some food to share.
Our formal transition to school sessions will occur on
Friday 18 October 9:15am – 10:30am
Friday 25 October 9:15am – 10:30am
Friday 1 November 9:15am – 10:30am
Friday 8 November 9:15am – 10:30am
At these sessions, children will be engaging in play-based learning activities while parents/carers will attend an information session.
Please save these important dates in your calendars.
SASS recognition week
This week is SASS Recognition Week - a week when we acknowledge the hard work, commitment and dedication of our amazing school learning support officers, administration team and general assistants.
Our school could not function and would not be the warm, friendly and loving place it is without these incredible staff members. These fabulous people come to work each day with a huge smile and a warm hug to make a difference in the lives of our children. We are all so grateful for them.
This week we honour and thank our incredible SASS team!
Father’s Day activity
Tomorrow our P&C are holding a mufti day. Children are asked to donate a gold coin donation to contribute towards the cost of a special craft activity. All children will be making a special keepsake to give to their father or other loved one on Father’s Day. This activity is instead of our usual Father’s Day stall.
Semester Two showcase assemblies
Our Semester 2 showcase assemblies are fast approaching. At these assemblies, students will have the opportunity to share the learning that they have been participating in.
The assemblies will be held on:
Wednesday 4 September 2:15pm - Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6)
Thursday 5 September 2:15pm - Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten)
Friday 6 September 9:15am - Support unit (K/6B, K/6D, K/6H. K/6L)
Friday 6 September 2:15pm - Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2)
Thursday 12 September - Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4)
The assemblies will be held in our school hall. All family members are welcome to join us.
Book Week
This year, our school will be celebrating Book Week and Education Week on Tuesday 7 September. Children are invited to come to school dressed as a book character and to bring money to school to make a purchase at our book fair.
The schedule for the day is:
9:10am - 10.00am - Choir performance and Book Week Parade
10:00am - 11:00am - Open classrooms
11:00am – 12:00pm - Picnic lunch with families
The book fair will be open 11am-12pm and 1:30pm-2:00pm.
We hope many families can join us for this special day.
Public speaking
Our school’s annual public speaking competition is in full swing. What a delight it has been this week to hear children in class planning, preparing and delivering their speeches. Our school’s final will be held on Wednesday 11 September at 9:15am in our school hall. The parents/carers of our finalists will be informed prior to the final.
Have a great week. How lovely to have such beautiful weather!
Kind regards,
Michelle Barnes