- Aquatic activities guidelines (PDF 152KB)
- Attendance procedures 2021 (PDF 124KB)
- Care and supervision plan (PDF 190KB)
- Enrolment policy (PDF 189KB)
- Extended leave - travel (PDF 86KB)
- Financial assistance application (PDF 130KB)
- Pedestrian safety guidelines (PDF 98KB)
- Permission to publish (PDF 152KB)
- Riding safely to school guidelines (PDF 244KB)
- Student Use of Digital Devices and Online Services Procedure and Bring Your Own Devce (BYOD) policy (PDF 171KB)
- Student Use of Mobile Phones (PDF 119KB)
- Swimming lessons risk assesment (PDF 199KB)
- Uniform guide (PDF 132KB)
- Uniform order form (PDF 117KB)
- Vehicles on and around the school (PDF 91KB)