27 Nov 2024
Dear families,
The end of the school year is fast approaching. So much is happening!
Presentation Assembly
Our annual presentation assembly is being held on Monday 2 December at 9:15am in our school hall. Parents/carers of award recipients have been extended an invitation to the assembly. A morning tea will be held at the conclusion of the assembly for award recipients and their families.
On Wednesday 4 February, an additional assembly will be held to present creative arts and sports awards. The parents/carers of award recipients at this additional assembly have been invited.
Market Day
Our Stage 3 students will be hosting a Market Day on Friday 6 December. Parents/carers are asked to purchase tokens for their child to participate through School Bytes. Tokens can also be purchased with cash on the day.
Applications for selective high schools and opportunity classes in 2026
If your child is interested in applying to enrol in a selective high school or opportunity class in Year 5 or Year 7 in 2026, please follow this link - http://shsoc.education.nsw.gov.au/ for further information. Applications are open now and will close on 21 February 2025.
Semester Two reports
Semester Two reports will be distributed to families via School Bytes on Friday 13 December. Parents/carers who would like support in accessing School Bytes are requested to contact our office.
Year 6 Farewell
We are so excited to be hosting our Year 6 Farewell on Thursday 12 December. The evening will kick off at 5pm. There will lots of eating, dancing and singing. Parents/carers are invited to stay for the formal graduation ceremony on the evening. It will be so much fun to celebrate the end of our children’s primary schooling with them on this evening.
End of year celebration and raffle
On Monday 16 December, we will be hosting a fun end of year celebration involving outdoor water plan. More information will be distributed to families closer to the day. On this morning, our P&C will be drawing their annual Christmas Raffle. Information about how to purchase tickets will be distributed in the coming days.
Talent Quest
Our annual WWPS Talent Quest will be held from 9:15am on Tuesday 17 December. Participating children have been asked to submit an expression of interest. Parents are warmly invited to attend this enjoyable morning.
Last day of school for 2024
The final day of school for 2024 is Wednesday 18 December 2024. As usual, we will be farewelling our Year 6 students by forming an arch from 2:45pm on this day. All community members are invited to join us for this special moment.
School will return for all children after the Summer break on Thursday 6 February 2025. If your family will be on holidays on the 6 February and your child will be returning to school late, please contact our office as a matter of urgency to ensure all required paperwork is completed.
Kind regards,
Michelle Barnes