Wollongong West Public School

Only our best will do

Telephone02 4229 2096


Principal's report - Term 1 Week 7

Dear families,

Term 1 is certainly flying by.


NAPLAN commenced today for our children in Years 3 and 5. The children completed their writing assessment today. Their reading, language conventions and numeracy assessments will be undertaken over the coming two weeks. All children are asked to be punctual and to have enjoyed a hearty breakfast before arriving at school each day.

Sporting carnivals

So far this year, we have already held our school swimming and cross-country carnivals. I extend my deepest gratitude to Mr Bell for his stellar organisation of these carnivals. The date for our athletics carnival has been moved. The athletics carnival will now be held on Wednesday 14 May.

Harmony Day celebrations

This year we will be holding our Harmony Day celebrations on Friday 4 April. Please note this change of date. Families are invited to join us for a special assembly at 1pm, followed by a picnic and cultural food tasting event from 1:30pm. Please contact our office if any family members would like to share their cultural insights or understandings at our assembly or would like to donate cultural food for the picnic.

School photos

Our school will be holding our annual school photo day on Wednesday 9 April. Further information will be distributed soon to families. Children are asked to be in full school uniform on this day, including the wearing of black shoes. Please reach out to our office if you would like to make any uniform purchases prior to photo day.

Showcase Assemblies

In a few weeks, families are invited to join us for our semesterly Showcase Assemblies. At the assembly, children will showcase their learning in Term 1.

Stage 3 (Years 5 and 6) – Wednesday 2 April at 9:15am

Stage 2 (Years 3 and 4) – Wednesday 2 April at 2:15pm

Stage 1 (Years 1 and 2) – Tuesday 1 April at 2:15pm

Early Stage 1 (Kindergarten) – Thursday 3 April at 2:15pm

Support unit – Thursday 3 April at 9:15am

All families are welcome to join us for these assemblies.

Easter celebrations

Our annual Easter celebrations, including our Easter Hat Parade, will be held on Friday 11 April. More information will be distributed to families closer to the date.

New novels for children in Stages 2 and 3

I extend my deepest gratitude to our P&C who have spent over $2000 to purchase new novels for our children in Years 3-6. This purchase will provide additional opportunities for our children to engage with high quality literature during their literacy sessions at school. Thank you P&C.


Our lovely canteen operator, Canteen Kat, will not be renewing her licence at our school. We will be farewelling Kat later this year. I sincerely thank Kat for her years of service to our school and wish her all the best in her future endeavours. Our school will be going to tender to seek a new canteen operator in the coming weeks.

ISER Performing Ensemble

Our school is very privileged to have the Illawarra South-East Regional Performing Ensemble visiting our school on Monday 7 April. This is a touring group of high school students who perform as band members, vocalists and dancers. All children will be asked to bring a gold coin donation to view the performance. Thank you very much to our P&C for partially funding this incursion so that all students can attend.

Kind regards,

Michelle Barnes
