11 Jun 2024
Good morning families,
I hope that everyone enjoyed a relaxing long weekend.
Thank you SRC
This year our SRC, led by Mr Sidoni, has been very busy developing their leadership skills and planning fun whole school activities. Thank you to our SRC for your organisation of the recent Pyjama and Hot chocolate Day. It was a lot of fun.
Student led conferences
Thank you to our parents/carers who attended last week’s student led conferences. Our children get a kick out of sharing their learning with their families. We are all so proud of the effort in learning being made by all children.
National Reconciliation Week
Recently, it was National Reconciliation Week. Our children enjoyed learning about our shared histories, cultures, and achievements, and to explore how each of us can contribute to achieving reconciliation in Australia. The National Reconciliation Week theme for 2024, Now More Than Ever, is a reminder that the fight for justice and the rights of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander people will continue to be a priority for all Australians. Our children participated in class activities to acknowledge National Reconciliation Week and some of our Aboriginal students participated in cultural activities as part of the Baraya Barray Whale Song project. A special week!
WWPS Communication Strategy
There are four main ways in which our school communicates digitally with our families.
- The School Bytes parent portal is where our administration team will share school messages, student reports, excursion permission notes, student absences and invoices requiring payments. Our school calendar is now shared via the School Bytes Portal.
- The Seesaw app is where teachers communicate and celebrate class and individual student learning. Teachers may also send class notifications and reminders through this app. Parents/carers can message teachers directly through this app.
- Our school website is where we communicate news, school information and polices.
- Our school Facebook site is where we showcase student, staff and community achievements. We encourage families to like, tag and share.
If you or your family would like any assistance accessing these digital platforms, please contact our office.
Contacting our school staff
As a parent or carer, you are an important part of our school community. We know that you play a crucial role in helping your child become a motivated learner. Communication between our school and our community is critical for us to partner together.
To give our teachers the opportunity to recharge, spend time with their families and bring their best creative selves to work, we are setting clear expectations for when and how they respond to communication outside school operating hours. This means teachers may not reply to messages or emails outside of school operating hours 8:30am - 3:30pm.
For quick and efficient communication with school staff, please
- message teachers using the Seesaw app
- email the school using the school’s email address - wollongwst-p.school@det.nsw.edu.au or phone the school during school hours on 02 4229 2096.
Our staff will respond to your queries within two school days under normal circumstances.
For longer discussions or complex matters, we ask parents and carers to make an appointment to speak to teachers directly, at a time that works best for everyone.
Our staff will always stay in touch because open communication is what’s best for your child and their education. We don't want you to stop communicating with your teachers – we still want to hear from you if you have any questions or need to discuss a matter about your child. We know it’s often easier to send emails or messages after work. We will make sure we read and respond in school operating hours.
Our dedicated teachers want to help our students achieve their best – we’re on the same team.
Thank you for treating our staff with kindness and respect.
Student attendance
Our school is encouraging improved attendance for our children. Last week, all families were sent a letter that contained information about your child’s attendance rate. Our school expects a minimum attendance rate for all children to be 90%. Please contact your child’s class teacher if our school can support you in getting your child to school on time each day.
South Coast Public Schools Dance Festival
Over the coming weeks, our students will be performing at the South Coast Public Schools Dance Festival. They are to be commended for their ongoing commitment by attending practices during their lunch breaks. We are all very excited to see our children performing up on stage at the IPAC.
Kind regards,
Michelle Barnes