Wollongong West Public School

Only our best will do

Telephone02 4229 2096


Operational guidelines for Wollongong West Public School in response to COVID-19 for Phase 1

Dear families,

From Monday 11 May (Week 3), our school will enter what is being called “Phase 1” of our transition to face-to-face teaching.

In this phase, children are being invited to attend school one day each week. Teachers will have contacted all families by the end of this week to inform you what day your child will be attending school. When children are attending school, they will participate in the same remote learning activities that the children who are working from home will be completing. As we have many staff members currently working from home each day, children may not be under the care of their regular teacher, in their regular classroom with their regular classmates when they attend school. Only 25% of each class will be in attendance each day.

It is important that when children and staff are returning to school, we have measures in place that support the safety, health and wellbeing of all. Therefore, the following operational guidelines will be in place at our school from Monday 11 May.

Physical distancing

  • No parents/carers or visitors are to enter school grounds without the approval of the principal and by appointment only.
  • Any visitors to our school must be able to answer the following questions satisfactorily before being permitted to enter the school– Are you well? Have you returned from overseas travel in the past two weeks?
  • The uniform shop will be open to parents by appointment only through our office.
  • Our canteen will be open Monday – Thursday. Families are encouraged to support our canteen, which is operated by a community member of our school.
  • Big Fat Smile will continue to provide before and after school care services.
  • A drop off and pick up zone, supervised by staff, will be provided on Phillips Ave each morning and afternoon. Parents/carers are asked to pull up in their car at the front of the school. Children can exit the vehicle, while parents remain in cars. Hand sanitiser will be provided for all children upon entering school grounds. Each afternoon, all teachers will bring their class to Phillips Avenue for 2:55pm. Children will wait outside the gate, alongside the fence line. When parents arrive in their car, children will be supervised by teachers walking to and entering the car. Parents are requested not to leave their cars. Students walking home will be dismissed at 3pm. Only the Phillips Ave and Crown St gates will be opened each day.
  • Parents/carers who would like to communicate with their child’s teacher are encouraged to make contact via the Seesaw app, telephone or email. A Zoom session between teachers and parents/carers can be arranged if face-to-face interaction is required.
  • Assemblies will not occur until further notice. This includes Monday morning assemblies.
  • Excursions and incursions, including large sporting events, will not occur until further notice.
  • Social distancing will be maintained in classrooms, where there will be up to approximately 10 people situated in an average size classroom. In classrooms, students and teachers are to work with as much space as practically possible between individual learning spaces.


  • Children are to remain at home if unwell.
  • Children will wash their hands with soap and water before eating and after using the toilet. Paper towel will be used to dry hands.
  • Hand sanitiser will be used upon entering school grounds each morning and upon entering and exiting any room.
  • Fresh air will be made readily available indoors by opening windows and adjusting air conditioning.
  • Bubblers are to be used to refill water bottles only. Children must bring a drink bottle to school each day.
  • Playground equipment will be used once regular cleaning by an external provider throughout the school day is able to be provided.
  • Signs will be displayed around our school stating social distancing and hygiene guidelines.

Our staff are very much to looking forward to seeing the faces of our children at school again and having our school begin to return to usual operations in a safe manner. It is with much gratitude that I acknowledge the support, flexibility and graciousness of our entire Wollongong West community.

Kind regards,

Michelle Barnes
