Wollongong West Public School

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Principal's report – Term 1 Week 9 2019

Thank you P&C

​In the past week our P&C have supported our school by paying for every child at our school to visit Healthy Harold in the Life Education van. This has ensured that every child has accessed valuable learning to empower them to make healthier and safer choices. 

Our P&C have also spent a considerable amount of money purchasing 20 iPads and cases for student use at our school. Thank you to our P & C  for your commitment, drive and passion and thank you to our wider community who relentlessly support our P&C.


Our school regularly monitors the attendance of each child at our school. If your child is identified as having an unsatisfactory pattern of attendance, an attendance plan will be devised to support you and your child in being at school on time each day. If the unsatisfactory pattern continues, the school will seek further support from the Department of Education's Home School Liaison Officer, Child Wellbeing Unit and Family and Community Services as required. Please support  your child in receiving the best education possible, by ensuring your child attends school every day. 

Teacher professional learning

This past fortnight has seen many wonderful opportunities for teacher learning at our school. 

This week all teachers finalised their 2019 professional goals. These goals are devised annually by all staff and guide the individual and collective professional learning that occurs at our school. 

Teachers all participated in valuable planning time to inform the integration of digital technologies  into classroom teaching and learning activities for next term. Mrs Kandilas Feld is continuing to provide weekly mentoring opportunities in technology use for all teachers. She attended an ICT conference this week as well.

Mrs Risi, Miss Horner, Miss Hopper and Mrs Heritage attended two external workshops to support the development of consistent and quality whole school spelling, grammar, punctuation and vocabulary programs. These teachers will share their new understandings with all staff at our School Development Day to commence Term Two.

Mrs Risi attended a network meeting to learn more about best supporting our children learning English as an additional language/dialect, especially in relation to the acquisition of skills in grammar.


Michelle Barnes