Wollongong West Public School

Only our best will do

Telephone02 4229 2096


Principal's report – Term 1 Week 7 2019

Harmony Day​

Our Harmony Day celebrations will be held on Tuesday 19 March. All families are welcome to join us on this special day where we acknowledge and celebrate the cultural diversity of the families at our school. A brief outline of our celebrations are below.

  • 9:15am: Whole-school assembly
  • 10am: Light morning tea and orientation to our Community Hub
  • 11am: Picnic lunch

Families are warmly encouraged to bring along some food that represents the culture of your family to share at the picnic. Our Year 6 children will be holding a fundraiser BBQ at 11am. We are currently taking orders for sausages and burgers. The order form is available in our office.

We hope many families are able to join us on this day of celebration.

Teacher professional learning

It has been a busy fortnight of learning for our teachers.

All teachers meet in stage teams to analyse student learning data in reading, writing and numeracy. This enables teachers to identify where each child sits on the learning progressions in these areas and to ensure targeted and informed teaching. Collaborative data analysis and planning is an important part of life at Wollongong West Public School.

All teachers have participated in learning about the importance of quality talk in numeracy lessons. This will be an ongoing priority for our school in 2019.

All teachers have learnt about how to further support students with a hearing impairment at our school. 

Miss Hopper, Mrs Risi and Mrs Heritage attended a workshop about spelling. This plan will inform the development of quality and consistent spelling programs across the school.

All Stage 2 and 3 class teachers attended a writing workshop with literacy expert, Jann Farmer-Hailey. Teachers were able to refine their understanding of what constitutes a balanced writing session in the upper primary years. This built upon the extensive learning in student's writing acquisition we have done at the school level in recent years. 

Mr Thornton participated in professional learning to empower him to best support our children learning English as an additional language/dialect.  

Our school executive met to evaluate school practices that support children and families from language backgrounds other than English. This self-evaluation will inform our plan for targeted support initiatives in 2019.


Michelle Barnes